Does this look like a malar rash aka lupus? - pictures of lupus rashes
I thought I had lupus for the past 2 years ..
The image quality is a little weak because I am with my iphone .. but have taken a lot more red in the mirror .. I've been the house of the last 2 and 3 days Ive been feeling .. even worse in the last 2 to 3 days
The doctors said he was "distressed"
I have headaches all the time .. and disappears at the fair a few weeks ago, for no reason .. I remember nothing
I've also lost 110 pounds in the last 2 years
My hair is always in the back of my shirt .. O_o excretion
They checked my blood yesterday and had a very low white blood cell
I'm still weak .. bottled water sometimes can not even open, I am very energetic
My fingers and knees hurt a lot for no reason
Sounds like lupus can be a possibility. They have certain signs and symptoms. I want to see a rheumatologist, as soon as I could. Tested for ANA. If the result is positive, lupus is quite possible. If not, then you do not have lupus, but nothing happens. Be sure to follow the doctor and do not stop asking questions until you feel better, or the feeling of an effective treatment for you.
Good luck!
Follow your doctor to examine and, where necessary blood. Request a referral to a dermatologist.
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