Sunday, January 31, 2010

Alli Diet Results Blogspot Can You Take Alli Diet Pills While On Weight Watchers?

Can you take Alli diet pills while on weight watchers? - alli diet results blogspot

I ask myself before I buy the pills if it is possible to Weight Watchers and go take alli diet pill? I know that you can watch what you eat, while taking the pill so I thought she was taking during the Weight Watchers program is a good thing, but everybody knows for sure?

1 comment:

Brian and Jessica G said...

Do not see why I could not. In fact, I had to do the same. I do Weight Watchers for a few months and EUR 23.5 lost. I read the other person to a similar question to answer about it and said he had WW and Alli and lost 65 pounds in three months. I would say try it and if side effects are too sick, just stick with WW. Good luck!

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